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    Review – Star Wars: Squadrons

    Star Wars: Squadrons arrived with great anticipation for lovers of the universe Star Wars, especially for fans of spaceship games. After all, the last great game in the saga with this genre was Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter was released in 2002, for the Original Xbox.

    Review – Star Wars: Squadrons

    a shallow history

    Or universe Star Wars is famous for its vast repertoire of characters, locations, stories, plots and, of course, ships. However, don't expect too much relevant, and dense, in Squadrons, as the narrative background only serves as a setting for the game, with many new characters, but few familiar faces. The main focus is to really be a space combat title.

    To complement the story, EA Motive has made an animated short that takes place before the events of Star Wars: Squadrons, introducing one of the pilots that will fight by your side.

    Check out the short:

    The game takes place four years after the Battle of Endor and the destruction of the Second Death Star, when the New Republic is fighting the Galactic Empire. At the center of the story is Project Starhawk - a starship plan critical to the New Republic and one that the Empire seeks to eliminate.

    The plot takes place in the switching sides of Lindon Javes, who switches to the New Republic team as commander of the Vanguard Squadron, abandoning Terisa Kerrill, commander of the Galactic Empire's Titan Squad.

    The game's campaign (Story Mode) is made up of missions alternating between the two sides of the story, one team collecting resources and information to build Project Starhawk, while the other tries to destroy this new threat. It works well with a tutorial, where ships and customizations of weapons, shields, etc. are shown. Depending on your skill level, everything shouldn't take more than 10 hours.


    In addition to the story mode mentioned above, Star Wars: Squadrons has multiplayer modes, with Air Combat and Fleet Battle modes.

    The Air Combat (Dogfight) mode is a 5 vs 5 in which the squad that reaches 25 eliminations first wins. There is no ranking, and what really counts is your skill. The Fleet Battles mode is more cooperative, in which the objective is to destroy the enemy fleet. For this, the objectives are divided into stages. With the success of the actions, your team gains Morale points, and the higher the Morale, the more chances your team will win. Squad coordination is essential for the team to emerge victorious. To unlock this mode against players you will need to reach level 5 in Air Combat mode. There is an option to face only bots (AI), but in this option you will not be ranked, working more as a training.

    You customize your character with gender, race and voice options. Some options are unlocked as you progress through multiplayer. By the way, all progress and achievements are counted towards your score, gaining experience and levels.

    Controls are simple and responsive, and each ship has its own set of elements, which can be crucial to the success of the mission. In space you will need, and a lot, the analog controls, because in addition to controlling the direction and speed, you will need to roll or even give a boost to the "wood horse".

    The ship's energy can be redirected to a specific need, the engines - gaining speed, for the lasers - gaining less recharge time, or even for the shields - more resistant. The balanced mode is not always the most interesting. Incidentally, the shields on certain ships can be redirected to the front or rear, depending on the need for protection. There is also the option to change how your targets are marked by switching between the available options.

    Fleet Battle

    graphics and sounds

    Star Wars: Squadrons is very well set, bringing the feeling of aerial combat in the universe Star Wars, with plenty of options for ships and customizations. In addition, it offers scenarios with incredible visuals and good immersion, with well-crafted details.

    Review – Star Wars: Squadrons Review – Star Wars: Squadrons Review – Star Wars: Squadrons Review – Star Wars: Squadrons Review – Star Wars: Squadrons

    The game has English dialogues, but subtitles and menu options in Portuguese. The soundtrack is the already known and characteristic of Star Wars.

    After all, a space battle in Star Wars it's not just pew-pew to and fro. Each ship has its characteristic set, and you can even view the X-Wings, Y-Wings, A-Wings, Tie Fighter ships, among others, from all angles in the hangar in story mode.

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    The game performance is very good, there was no loss of performance or crashes even on Xbox One Fat.


    Star Wars: Squadrons is a great title for players who enjoy multiplayer and starship combat. The Fleet Battle mode was very well thought out, so as not to be just in the fighter deathmatch, requiring greater attention and cooperation, and for this reason it is not initially released. For those who like spaceship games and single player campaigns, you will find a good option, even if the story is not so relevant to the universe Star Wars.

    EA has already announced that the game will not receive DLCs, which on the one hand is good since we save money, but on the other hand it brings that feeling of opportunity that can be missed, as the title would have a lot to gain from new missions and maps , and perhaps familiar characters being added over time.

    Review – Star Wars: Squadrons

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